Looking Back.

The only thing I inherited from my mother (and only because I asked my brother for them) was a small box of photographs. Very old ones. Nothing recent.

I found the selling particulars of my childhood home.... a huge (cold) 8 bedroomed house we shared with lodgers and that was run as a B and B. My bedroom was the top left hand window.

Whilst its a beautiful house (now painted white), I don't have many happy memories there. There was a lovely pond full of Koy but if my mother had a bad day, she would threaten to throw anything we left lying around in to it. Quite often we would get home from school to find our stuff (and my step fathers brief case contents) floating in the pond.
It was also the house where I learnt my best friend had been killed in an accident at Albury Sand Pits.
And where our Retriever killed our tibetan spaniel. Mum was mowing the lawn at the time and couldn't hear me calling for her.
But it was in the middle of know where and if things got too much I would just take myself up into the hills with the dog and try to stay out as long as possible - or until it got too dark!!!
Our claim to fame is that Trevor Mcdonald viewed this house when it went up for sale.
I wonder what it would be worth now!

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