With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Worked out in the end

We are all exhausted and slept late.

We arrived eventually at Cala Carnatge to find... carnage... well. Dead fish anyway.

I was astounded. People were sitting there amidst dead fish. Quite fresh ones. Not rotten or diseased. Probably just chucked off a boat. But about twenty dead fish. Mmm.

I gradually picked them up and put them in the bin. They would have been so foul in not very long. Ideal for dogs to roll in ! One lady helped and then another guy and finally a sweet little girl. She laughed with me how no one else had bothered. She is a warrior in the making thank goodness. Then I picked the plastic out of the sea and off the beach too.

After that, the beach filled up with happy dogs and owners.


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