Nudge (Day 1900)

I had a call out to deal with this morning, a kitchen tap which wouldn't turn off. Changing the tap was the sensible solution, but it took a while to find the main stop cock, and when I turned the hot water off, I felt the isolator break. Changing the tap was fairly easy, replacing the broken isolator was a pain and involved accessing the cold water tank in the loft, through the world's smallest loft hatch.
Back at home I organised the van a bit, ready to collect wet wall in the morning for the shower room refit.
After lunch  my beautiful wife and I took the woofers to Lyde for a wander. We dropped the dogs at home, then zoomed through to Stromness to unload the hay we collected yesterday. We spent a little while with the horses before coming home. George wanted the grass HV was lying on and gently nudged her out of his way.
Roast dinner now with Mum and Dad.

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