An early walk to beat the heat, no one else goes out on Friday mornings, they wait until after Friday prayers. The shopping area near the hotel is populated with Indians, Bangladeshi's, Turkish, Filipinos and others, hence the picture.
More work getting focused on various online tools then a zoom chat with my supervisor. My class is slow to register so I’ll start Thursday, not Tuesday. I’m happy with that as I’ve still not got my login etc and conversations about future contracts too.. I’ve also been given an extra two days starting mid August which I’m very happy about. Tied in with future contracts brainstorming about how to future proof myself with more study.
We finished 8pm, my time. I’m starting to change my body clock to UK time again, normal for an ESL teacher in this region as we’re used to teaching afternoons and evenings.
Then I got an email, am I still free to teach a six-week summer school? Much, much better pay but no longer-term option. I need that security in this industry in these times. Life is looking up.
Ordered room service and tried to rest my weary brain!
My Kuwaiti friend messaged tonight, he's been tested for Corona, results due tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be ok, he's young and healthy.
1,619 new cases today
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