The present is so terrifying here in the US, because of
raging COVID-19 & because our federal government is so corrupt, cruel
& feckless. The future has a glimmer of hope, but is unsure.
Maybe that is why I am often venturing to past memories to keep me sane.
That is where this moving truck comes into play. I saw it during 1 of my few outings & was immediately amused, because this is 1 of the few moving companies we have not used in all our years of changing houses.
We are in our 9th house, & have lived in 7 states, so I have been
very well acquainted with moving companies. Movers can make the process bearable or beyond miserable, & we have had it both ways. Early on, i learned the wisdom of giving a little speech about the importance of working together, providing a delicious lunch & giving good tips at the end.
Usually it worked, but not always.
Once we had a mover with no teeth, who made me cry on moving day, & I still have nightmares about him. Another time we had a Mexican immigrant who leased his truck, & who only had a 100 pound young women to help move heavy furniture & appliances down several flights of stairs. Some movers complained bitterly about everything, but they were jovial.
Why, you might wonder, would our children all go to 2 different high schools, & why would we live in 3 states 2 different times. The reason is,
my husband was willing to move to follow a good job. Each job was
a promotion & he was never out of work during his whole career. There was a price to pay, of course; & I often envy friends who have lived in
1 place their whole lives; but we have seen a good part of the US close up, & know where all the good places are.
This small nest of a house with a little yard, that we have now, should be our last. While we live here, I can look back at all the memories we made in
Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Arizona, Oregon, Michigan, & now in California,
instead of worrying about the Cover-19 surge or the next horrible thing our president does.
I hope all our past hard working movers have their feet up drinking something cold, as I write this. And I hope the MEATHEAD MOVERS
have lots of work during these dire times.
And finally: I hope, soon, the present & future will be hopeful & optimistic.
I can then feel free to focus there, instead of on the past.
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