Horsey place

I did a little gardening this morning while Mrs M and Daughter One walked down to the pier to buy some fresh fish, planting half a dozen Cardiocrinum giganteum, the giant lily of the Himalayas, on my steep slope.

After lunch the four of us went for a walk up on to the thinly populated ground between us and Glencruitten, a land of horses and chickens, where dock and ragwort predominate, along with other plants unloved by horses. Not the prettiest of places, but I was reminded that Blipfoto was supposed to reflect what we’d done today, so here it is! We passed what used to be a small town reservoir, set in an area of field and woodland along Polvinister Road; a few years ago it was decommissioned and advertised for sale. I wrote to Scottish Water at the time wearing my ‘Keep Oban Beautiful’ hat, suggesting that it be given to the town to be maintained as a Nature Reserve, but to my surprise (not) I heard nothing, not even receiving an acknowledgement. A man I spoke to today told me that the local people were very keen to keep it as it was and got in touch with the Council, who needless to say, ignored them too! I can well understand why people don’t bother to try to stop unwelcome development, saying that it always goes ahead anyway!

Quote of the Day:

Alice Walker – “Horses make a landscape look beautiful.”

Alternative quote, Maurice 1948 -  “Horses make a landscape look messy.”  I suppose that we’re coming from different directions!

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