Hubby's dinner

Today hasn't been a good day! Mother Nature made her appearance today *sigh* always suffer quite badly since having fibromyalgia and my eptopic pregnancy last year (hopefully this will b rectified as I'm meeting with hospital next week to discuss options) so didn't start very well them went to a friends house and got stuck on her sofa in agony as my hip went funny then left her house to pick Kayleigh up from school and smacked Lexie in the face with the car door (no actual damage to Lexie or the car just very upset that 1. I'd done it and 2. She was crying ) picked Kayleigh realises is forgotten to give my friend what I actually went to her house for so nipped back and done that. Then headed to get boys from school n realised i hadn't done shopping so popped to little tesco grabbed ingredients for this meal to save me going to big supermarket. Got home cut Kayleigh's hair then out her dye (deep purple) on it and some how managed to nearly due her forehead and neck in the process. Kayleigh went to wait for dye to work I started preparing dinner. The boys asked for their iPods which were on a shelf they got them whilst I peeped potatoes cooked mince etc one done came in front room to see Lexie holding a permanant sharpie pen I run over took it of her only for her to keep shouting draw draw draw pointed at sofa and she had sure as hell drawn on my two month old sofa!!! Callum then admitted he *forgot* he has knocked the pen of the shelf !!! Fuming!!!

Quick search on google.... I'm pleased to say nail varnish remover blotted onto fabric sofa WILL remover sharpie pen marks! But leave a horrible stench!

Today can piss off!!

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