Exit Only

The Rock Salt Cafe is open early again. This door is usually available for people to enter, and I guess he's used to going in this one to get his morning coffee and was waiting his turn. Not a problem if the cafe isn't busy, and it wasn't when I walked by. Colour coordinated with the dog's leash, and it would be hard to miss him on the road, with that bright vest. Mine isn't quite that bright.  :-)
Went for a walk, had a fall, watered the garden, cut and raked the grass, enjoyed lunch in the garden. 
The fall: I was walking by the bus stop sign and didn't see a rope that was attached to it for some weird reason. There was a loop that caught my foot and I went down on the gravel, happened so quickly I didn't have time to protect myself. My knee got the worst of it, but I also hit my cheekbone, knocked off my glasses, and scraped my hand. I wasn't worried about getting hurt myself - just if I'd broken my glasses or worse yet, my camera!
First thing I did after I checked my glasses was turn on the camera and take a quick pic. All okay! Phew! A couple of new scratches on the lens of my glasses, nothing major, and no major injuries to me either. I might have a couple of bruises tomorrow though!
Extras: a little mat set up on the dock; blackberries ripening. Looks like we'll have a bumper crop this year, BD!

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