
By Kaysha

From Baby to Boy

Happy 2nd Birthday, Little D!

It's been a wonderful year watching Little D grow from a tiny little baby into a beautiful, strong and funny little boy. I'm so glad to be writing this on his second birthday as opposed to his first as he pretty much screamed through the first year of his life. Thankfully he's making up for lost time and is now such a smiler, full of laughter and more than a little bit cheeky! 'Mummy, no talking, mummy!' being a current favourite thing to say.

He's a clever little monkey and has almost mastered the art of using the toilet on a regular basis. I thought the real battle ground would be the dummy, which has been his comfort and, at times, my lifesaver. However, we are now onto day 4 without it and he's doing just fine. He can count to 10 when the mood takes him, is quite creative with a pen and paper and his current loves are: anything with wheels; dinosaurs; cooking; dogs; looking after babies and dressing up (mostly in Miss A's dresses).

Despite their spats and power struggles, Little D loves his sister dearly and wants to copy everything she does. She's a great teacher, of both the good and bad, and I only hope their bond gets stronger with every year that passes.

As a reminder for us more than anything, here is some of Little D's language (which we've all found ourselves starting to use on a regular basis):

Bumbelina - Ballerina/Fairy/Barbie
Deegar! - Digger (always said with gusto)
Blue Blar - 'Blue Bar' biscuit
Pa'an me - Pardon me (always said with a giggle)
Plump coming - Poo on its way

Little D, you're amazing and we love you!

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