
I got to play some of my music at work today. One of the things that came up at my last appraisal was that I should use some of my musical knowledge to let our 'service users' (average age two years ten months approximately) experience music of different genres and from different cultures.

So, today the stereo-with-the-ipod-input made an appearance and I just said "Bit of jazz today? I'll keep it mellow, nothing too crazy", "Go for it" came the reply. Think jazz, think one album, yep, it was that obvious, it was that one, the most popular one, the one that even non-jazz fans like.

I kept on with Miles as I went about my business after work. 'On The Corner' (is there a better start to any other album? Bang! You're straight in there, no messing!) got me to swimming and round the supermarket. Once I got home and settled, I hit the fusion. Boy, that is some album.

[Nearly forgot...elsewhere today...]

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