Growing old disgracefully



Didn't feel much like striding out today, as the back is still letting me know that no matter how much I want to do, it is not playing. So the Prof drove me to Pacific Quay and after we had had coffee with our favourite Auntie he allowd me to indulge in playing around with my camera, patiently holding the spare lens and offering general encouragment. Difficult to chose a blip, but the real star was the faultless blue sky, so here it is, framed by the Glasgow Tower, which is glorious in design but fatally flawed in execution.

One of the things I wanted to do was have a closer look at the Clyde Navigation Trust building - no not the one on the Broomielaw, but the one behind the BBC. It is for sale and I am looking for a few spare million - I particularly like the octagonal tower, each second face of which is named after the North Wind, the East Wind etc. You can see images of it and other stuff from today - inlcuding the roof going on the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome here.

Now off out to collect some reindeer.

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