My colleague Luke randomly messaged to say his computer wouldn’t start and that it was being looked at by our IT team. I asked whether the message was meant for me, and he confirmed yes, as a bit of ‘Wednesday afternoon schadenfreude.’
Ciders with Kathie on Jesus Green in the evening. Kathie heads up our HR team and we had a great chat about the equality and inclusivity changes that she’s trying to embed. In the same way that the experiences of non-white people need to be listened to within the Black Lives Matter movement, in the workplace a greater understanding of professionalism and acceptance starts with convening those who have experienced prejudice and allowing those feelings to be aired. After that some training can be doled out. Following that, if I’m ever asked again about whether I think a future teammate is gay ‘cos he’s wearing an earring’, I may not be as polite as I was the last time.
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