A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Breakfast by the River

We weren’t the only ones eating an early breakfast by the river this morning. Catbird’s beak was full of insects and a caterpillar vs muffins, grapes and coffee for us • This is our second day of dry, cooler air. It’s delightful. We took advantage and worked a few hours in the garden, weeding, adding more soil to our potatoes and watering. We planted a row of rutabagas, also called swedes in the UK, to harvest this Fall • Yesterday we picked a few hot peppers, and zucchini. In addition to cucumbers, we currently have tomatoes and spaghetti squash growing. So far it’s been a productive season • This afternoon is our weekly Happy Hour call with two friends from afar. I’m looking forward to that icy cold G&T with extra lime • I think Cat needs a Hat ;)

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