Thursday’s painting...

...I am the exclusive, only member of the mask wearing society in this area.

I had to go to my bank this morning for some things to sort out. So, I did all my shopping at the local shops, (I live in Wales).

So far this morning, I have had quite a few derisory looks at my mask, and some sniggers. There was some few hundred people about.

Oh, by the way...
Social distancing - nil
Keep 6 ft apart (or 2metres) - nil

And, it's now hands on rugby tackle to anyone, or the physical shoulder shove by the person behind you, to get you out of the way, if you spend too long looking at an item in the aisle.

Oh, and the barber's shops here, there are no screens round the customers, and no wearing of masks. It is business as normal, as pre-covid 19. I saw a total of 5 such barbers shops.

I have saved the best til last.

A stranger, a guy, stood in front of me and burst out laughing. "You are not still wearing a mask, are you?" he said, carrying on laughing. So, I laughed with him, and replied, "And I am going to carry on wearing a mask." And I walked away laughing. His mate gave me daggers looks.

Then I looked at the bus coming into the bus stop. It has just come out of England, into Wales. You are not allowed to get on the bus unless you wear a mask. And yes, everyone had a mask, but their masks were all hanging round their necks??? Not covering their nose nor mouth. Nor was there any social distancing on the bus. I stare at them. Some stare back at me. My brain was half expecting them to turn in unison, and stare at me momentarily, then turn back and look forwards again...

I am home now, knackered. In bed. A long afternoon nap is needed.

I feel like I am in an apocalypse movie...

I cannot do a painting in ZenBrush2 app today.

I woke up, after my nap feeling sad and feeling sick to the pit of my stomach. This morning must have been more stressful than I thought. I am drinking some gunpowder tea at the moment to calm my stomach.

So, I went into Finger Pro app on the iPhone. There is no eraser on this app. Once you put your finger on the screen that is it, the mark stays. I didn’t plan this, my finger was swirling on the screen, and this picture evolved.

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