
By lynnjones7186

Cloud cover

As the sun sank behind a building a cloud covered it and produced this strange effect. 

Another quiet day.  Apparently our swimming pool will fully opened at the end of the month, no more booking in and only three people rule.  It will be good to go and swim when we feel like it.  

We have been following the news from Australia.  The new outbreaks are not good.  I am so glad that we are now in Chiang Mia instead of Campbelltown.   My daughter is still ok, but facing new restrictions.  The few new cases we have had here are not close to us, although I have heard that some airforce personnel, based in ChiangMai, are under observation following the problem caused by Egyptian Air Force crew landing in Utapo.  Apparently they weren't quarantined, and didn't follow self isolation rules. 

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