Lily Pons

In 1917 the Three Springs Fisheries was started in southern Frederick County, about 30 miles from my home.  They were a mail-order fish and aquatic plant company that did such a brisk business, the U.S. Postal Service opened a post office there in 1935 and it became Lilypons, Maryland, named after the French Opera star.

She so loved the idea that she came there for the dedication and had all her Christmas cards mailed and stamped from there every year for the rest of her life.  

Today it is no longer a post office, but the fourth generation of the original family still owns and operates it as Lilypons Water Gardens, still selling fish and aquatic plants.  There are beautiful large ponds filled with Lotus and Water Lilies which are open to the public.  We had packed our lunch and had a nice picnic there before I took a few photos. The very bright midday sun was very harsh, hence the black and white blip. 

We drove first to the city of Frederick to see my camera club exhibition at the Delaplaine Arts Center, in which I have 5 images.  The gallery is open as Covid-19 cases are very low in Frederick County, although all visitors must still wear masks and socially distance and we were the only visitors there.  There is a virtual tour of the exhibit available here.

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