Waiting for the bus
Went into school this morning and enjoyed it, as I always do. Did several jobs that the teachers just don't have time to do and the bonus was that someone brought chocolates for us to have with our coffee, so maybe I shall need some of that Infiltrated Cellulite oil I mentioned yesterday.
Walked to the bus stop and as it was such a grey, dull day with a bitterly cold wind, decided to walk on a bit further, rather than just standing and getting really cold or shrammed, as we say in Wiltshire!
Saw this old man at the bus stop and had a lovely chat with him - he told me that when he was young and lived in London, he thought nothing of cycling about 120 miles to see an aunt who lived in Stroud - but of course, there weren't as many cars on the road and it wasn't as dangerous then. Now, however, he couldn't walk far and was dependent on his wheeled walking frame. He told me his son-in-law had got it for him, and had asked if he wanted a seat too, but he had told him he wanted it to keep his legs moving, not stagnate! Good for him!
The bus we were waiting for never arrived, so we just carried on chatting - well, he chatted and I listened - I must admit it's usually the other way round with me, but I was happy listening to him regaling me with tales of his "previous" life in London when he was younger - and having a moan about the "bloody" buses and how you couldn't rely on them or anything else these days, 'cos fings ain't what they used to be!'
Eventually another bus turned up and I was quite sorry that our conversation had to end. I like to think that I made a difference to him and he certainly entertained me.
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.
Hebrews 13:2
New King James Version
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