Orange You Glad
We are still eating oranges off our trees, even though we decimated them to take to England in March, and the trees are already full of small green ones. This, by the way, is one orange. Ate it with black beans and rice at lunchtime (à la Brazilian).
Today we have completed our self-imposed quarantine, so Mike went into town to pay our land tax, pay the lad who watered our trees, collect our post, take the recycling, buy honey from the beekeeper, and a tap to replace our presumably stolen one. Thought I'd want to join him, but in the end, what with having to wear masks and the heat, stayed peacefully at home.
Mike has finished plastering the barbecue and installed the shower in the new bathroom; I've started tackling some of the chaos, it's slightly overwhelming due to nowhere to put stuff yet, so retreated into a book every now and then...
- courage to begin the sorting
- that our quarantine is over and we didn't get ill (though with this virus, we might have been ill without knowing it, crazy)
- a lovely FaceTime with the tribe all together in the Peak District
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