New babies!

An exciting sight at the pond this evening - six (one just out of shot here) tiny Egyptian geese babies!  The first litter 'disappeared' earlier in the spring - prime suspect the local foxes, I expect - so it's lovely to see another lot come along.  Hope these ones keep safe.

Sorted out a load of old crap this morning - three makeup bags now condensed into one (I very rarely wear makeup, so I really have no need for all of that!)  Spent this afternoon feeling a bit stressed as my sister had asked my brother and me if we could stay with my Mum when they try and go on holiday in October - just not sure it's safe enough to do.  She was quite understanding though, and they still may be able to get away if my Mum could get some extra care provision that week.  I *really* hate not just being able to say yes - and I really miss seeing my Mum, too.  I'm finally starting to feel the effects of the pandemic this week, I think (have been too ill and/or too work-stressed up until now - and actually quite happy at the same time, locked down with Tim.)  

Anyway, a lovely walk this evening - with added cuteness - helped.

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