Field House.
Clickychick is in the middle of doing the "couch to 5K" (Again). She was spurred on when she discovered neither of our girls have gone beyond week 3 before. he thought they had finished all 9 weeks. While she is running I cycle the same road covering the same ground a number of times. It gives me exercise and her the odd bit of company while she is out.
Today for a change I dropped the camera into one of the panniers. I didn't get as much exercise but I did get a change of possible blips. In the north of England and particularly the Lakes "Field Houses are common. A Field House is a building away from the farm usually for storage, from the days when you couldn't just load up the tractor and trailer and scoot along to the fields. Fodder might be stored out there conveniently for the stock. In this case it looks as if it was a machinery store. However when there are stock in the field they use it now as a shelter.
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