
two children as yesterday's blip, but without the mesh! Thought I'd show them looking less frightening.

Lovely morning making wooden spoon Fairies with Emmeline -  Extra is her showing off two of them. Have to say she looks older than her 3 3/4 years in the picture.

Reggie had a long morning nap which was helpful. I think the last two days of trauma has taken it out of him. He's getting more used to us, and the dogs too. He really shouted at them when he arrived on Sunday, but he's never seen a dog at close quarters before. These Covid babies have so much to deal with.

Spent the afternoon in the park, lots of hand sanitiser used, it's all a bit scary but we must allow them to be children again. They constantly ask if the bug /virus is still out there.

Emmeline is a real Northerner. She's spent the last few days correcting the way we speak. "It's not parth, it's path!" It's not Barth, it's bath!" And so on. She's very aware of the differences in our dialect which we find astounding for her age.

They're making their way back to Manchester tonight, it's been lovely, if chaotic having them here. At least Hayley has managed to make a good start on her lesson planning for next term.

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