Tiny Tuesday ....

... shy flower.

Today was absolutely gorgeous!  There was plenty of sunshine and the humidity was nice and low.  

I spent some time this morning wandering around in the backyard with the macro lens.  When I saw these new black-eyed susans I knew this would be my blip.  Thanks, Debbi, for hosting TT this month. 

Because the weather was so pleasant today we decided on having a picnic supper.  I had made up some chicken salad earlier so I made a couple of sandwiches and off we went to Jacobsburg State Park.  We sat in one of their picnic pavilions to eat our sandwiches and then went to see what type of wildlife we could find.  

In the frog pond area someone had finally hung up a hummingbird feeder and we watched that for a while looking out for hummingbirds.  It didn't take long for a gorgeous male ruby-throat to come around ... followed shortly after by a female.  Unfortunately, the lighting near the feeder was very poor and I didn't get any decent photos of either one. But not for lack of trying. 

From Jacobsburg we went to the Plainfield Rail Trail for a short walk. It was so nice to be out and we ran into Wilbur and his person, Jenny.  It was great to see both of them.  

I have added an extra of our silly Cheddar!  There is a clock on a shelf in the lower level of our house that he likes to sleep on ... often changing the time!  We caught him sleeping with his head like this today!  What a silly boy!

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