Can You Fix It
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
I was on support today and the gods of IT looked down on me and smiled. Right before dropping their trousers and offloading from a great height. It was like the domino effect once things started to go mammaries skywards.
While I was working on something, one of the support guys emailed me to say that he thought there was another potential problem. I responded very professionally...
“Sorry - can’t hear you!”
And amazingly it went away. The FIE* approach is a very underrated technical solution!
PS This isn’t meant to be moany. It was actually a very good day - I fixed lots of things and pretty much like an IT superhero. The transformation was amazing - off with those jogging bottoms and on with...well...a different pair (but without the dog drool)!
*fingers in ears
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