
5.5C and very bright with blue sky. Cold in the Northerly wind.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went up past the church today so we could be nosey and have a look at the road resurfacing on the country road near the field with the bridle path. The men were working right outside the field entrance so we had to go into the next field and get through to the bridle path by using a gap in the hedge. I didn't take pictures. I did take a couple of the trailers of bales near the shore end of the field against the blue sky though.

We went along the cycle path, through the field and over the level crossing to the beach. It was lovely and bright. With the sun a bit higher in the sky the sand seemed to have more colour today. Three dog walkers and two dogs were further along towards Easthaven, so we had the stretch of beach along to the Fishermen's huts to ourselves. Tide was out. We wandered up to the huts and I took some photos around the boats. The owner of 'Shamara II' was in his hut working on a creel. Keeping warm. Sensible.

It felt good to be out walking on such a bright day :-)

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