
By AndyG1982

My other lacer tag

Mrs G got me my lacer Tags for Christmas.
Tonight's run was different. Speed repeats.
15 minute warm up,
1 minute running at 5.08 mins per km pace
Then walk or jog for a minute.
Repeat that 5 times
Then 1 minute at 4.50 mins per km pace.
Repeat that 4 times
Then a 15 minute cool down jog.

Went down to the beach for a chance at a good long straight.

Found it difficult to keep the right pace. Mainly because my garmin was telling me different things every 5 seconds.

I ran fast 5 times and then faster 4.times. that's good enough for me.

This training plan will hopefully help me beat my 10k PB. (57:19) bu September. Sadly every race in the world is now cancelled cos of covid, but there are plenty of virtual races to enter. And with some you still get a medal.

Very busy at work today. Didn't stop moving. It's now bed time and my step count is 20794. Only 9 days left until I hit that 30 day streak and earn a garmin badge. Which is kind of my new obsession.

See you tomorrow.

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