
By FerrariaC


I was calmly tossing the ball into the water from the collection of pebbles, stones and rocks that masquerades as a beach. After the fourth throw the dratted thing sank. Brogan leapt about looking for it - he cannot see green. Reluctantly I took off my boots and socks and rolled up my trousers as it began to rain persistently- all the while chatting to a housebound friend - fortunately I have earphones. I couldn't quite reach so replaced the boots and located a stick further up the shore. Boots off and back over the rocks to the water. Naturally Brogan thought the stick was for playing tug o' war - just as a battalion of midgies zoned in. I retrieved the stick and was soaked by his thrashing tail as he danced with joy over the ball - I was in the water to play! Finally scooped the ball and stick onto the shore. Ten minutes later I was back in one piece - it is not easy to put socks and boots on wet feet. I was about to pick up the ball when he jumped on it with glee and ran straight down to the water and dropped it back in. I will not regale you with the resulting tirade ....

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