Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The courtyard

It has been eight months since I was able to get over to the house.  After five times the normal amount of rain during the last two months, the house has patches of damp as water can run down the streets in torrents. Tonight I will be sleeping in the guest bedroom. The day has been spent airing all rooms, disposing of the damaged freezer contents and beginning to weed the courtyard, a job that will take me several days! At least the new floor, following the water damage from the rain last autumn, has been completed. It looks a good job. My builder friend who removed all the moss off the roof came round to look at a plumbing job.  The pipes of a slowly draining shower have too little incline and have been getting furred up despite the use of drain cleaners and caustic soda.  The only solution would be to break all the tiles on the floor and redo the pipework. I think I will wait a while before doing that.

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