PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bears Behaving Badly

At lunch time today we got a call from security to say there was a bear up a pine tree in the cub house. This is Taz ... in said tree! He was actually up a lot higher but just missed out on getting some pics. Naughty bear! He stood on the edge of his pool and is now tall enough that he could grasp the top of the metal tree protector and pull himself up and over it! There were also another two juveniles that looked like they were about to follow suit. Luckily our bear manager was quick on the scene with apple and pear bribes - thankfully the second two bears were more interested in food than following Taz and when he realised the others were being fed he started making his way down pretty quick!

Needless to say we got them all inside and kept them locked in for the rest of lunch whilst maintenance went in and put up an electrified protector above the metal one. The pool will also be getting moved! Also got another 'bug' shot today! A very pretty patterned beetle of some sort. The weather is really starting to warm up. Lots of insects out and about (including the dreaded mozzies and little black bitey things) and tonight heard the first calls of a Tookay Gecko in over a month. It hardly seems like we had a winter at all...

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