At last!

I spent a lot of time at the allotment today, weeding and tidying up, whilst on the phone with lovely E from Italy! I was so happy yesterday to hear from her and about her adventures, especially her food related ones! I do miss Italian food! I miss E very much too: our walks, our chats, our pizzas, our classes, our everything. I’m looking forward to the day when I can see her and hug her and feel her calming presence beside me.

At last the sunflowers are starting to bloom. They are ginormous, and have got so many buds! I harvested a lot of courgettes, sugar snaps, spinach and strawberries too. I’m still waiting for tomatoes. There’s lots of them, but I think they don’t like the temperature here. They’re as green as can be. 

Hope you’ll have a good week, Blippers! :-)

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