Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Polaroid with Impossible Film.

I met Mags and MrsD at the Omni today for my second viewing of Les Mis. I love it! I actually enjoyed it even more this time because I didn't go in with the same preconceptions and knew what to expect. I grew up on musicals, my folks are big fans and we went to see loads of them growing up and had a massive stack of tapes in the car whenever we went anywhere. Singing along to musicals kept us quiet! And we loved it. As a result my sister and I know all the words to most things popular (and some things most folk have never heard of, my dad has eclectic tastes) up until the early 90's - when we became too old for family outings and escaped! Les Mis has always been a huge favourite and when you've seen something on the stage a few times, watched Anniversary dvds and listened to the Original Cast Version over and over it's hard not to pick holes in any new version.
But I think they've done it beautifully, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are incredible, in fact so many of the performances are (the fact that I cried the whole way through is testament to that....and not just to my overly emotional state!). There are a few bits I'm not so keen on but overall I think it's a wonderful adaptation.
Still want to brutally murder Russell Crowe though, he is brutally murdering an amazing part. I think his singing is appalling and his acting is worse, Javert is one of the strongest parts and his performance is the weakest. Not everyone agrees and perhaps if you are coming to it fresh (instead of a musical geek like me) you'd see him differently.
Had to come home and listen to the original version of 'Stars' over and over to block that travesty from my memory.

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