Almost there!

A trip into Lincoln today for hair appointments. I went in first and B went back to the car to wait. Prior to the ‘virus’ he would have sat and had a coffee whilst waiting for his turn.

I was very impressed with the setup that they have, very thorough with the cleaning regimen and protective gear. The only thing that I didn’t like was the disposable mask that I had to wear, it moved about as I talked and was itchy. I much prefer my own home made cloth ones. 

Whilst B was having his hair cut I had a wander down the high street to see what changes had occurred in the 17 weeks since I was last there. About 10% of people were wearing masks, mostly fabric ones. 

This new building in the Cornhill is a new bar due to open next month, very modern in a historical area of the city. I got a takeaway coffee and headed back to take a concrete seat to wait for B. He has certainly had a ‘short back and sides‘ as his hair was soooo long!!! (In extras)

I’m pleased with my cut, it’s not as short as before as we will experiment with something a bit different. 

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