Sheeps Poo Success
This is the bed that Mr P lovingly fed with sheeps poo from the field. As you can see the courgettes and the rhubarb are both thriving.
News in Cumbria is that vet Sabrina Verjee from Ambleside, completed all the Wainwrights yesterday in 6 days, 17 hours and 51 minutes. She did not break the record but is the first woman to ever complete the challenge. She explains that a knee injury slowed her down and she had to walk down some of the fells backwards. She knew she was not going to break any records and concentrated on finishing. We had heard she was walking from Catbells to Keswick and now we know why
Day 115.
I've not been logging the progress with statistics Covid 19 but today brother and Sis in law who live near Huddersfield and are planning to visit at the end of the month, alerted me to outbreaks in their area and they are worried they might have a local lock down. Local (to them) news coverage reveals 3 bed factories and 2 meat packers all with outbreaks. As well as the factory environment, car sharing to work is suspected as a contributory factor.
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