The Quiet Glen

Early lunch today and off through Glen Lonan to the polytunnel to check up on things and do a bit of weeding. I always like this view of the River Lonan and often stop in the next lay-by to take a picture.The seep hoses in my polytunnel bed aren't doing too well and many of my onions are smaller than I would have liked. Not sure what I can do about it.

I carried on down the glen to Taynuilt to see my friend Dave at his nursery. I took four plants for him and somehow came back with four - no, they were different ones! I was pleased to get a small plant of Cissus striata which I had grown successfully at Arduaine and a little lemon verbena plant. I enjoyed a cup of tea made from it before coming home! Very refreshing!

Quote of the Day:

Jack Weatherford - “Even in this high-tech age, the low-tech plant continues to be the key to nutrition and health.”

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