Oops, I did it again

I was leading a landscape photography workshop yesterday evening at Roegwold. When I returned, it was almost midnight. I tried finding the comet in the sky again, but failed. I went inside and was about to go to sleep, when Herman asked me if I was capturing the comet again. He had some trouble finding it, so I decided to step outside again and see if I could find it if I tried a bit harder. After a couple of minutes, I spotted the comet just above a cloud. I think the cloud had been blocking the view. Even though Herman was in another location, I managed to give some pointers on where to look and after a couple of text messages back and forth I received a "bingo!" message from him. Nice! Can't wait to see how he captured the comet.

In the meantime, I had also unpacked my gear again so for the second day (night) in a row, so I present you with the view of the comet with some buildings below.

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