
By Cumbrialass

Sunny Sunday

Oops almost forgot to blip. 
So Fletch looking chilled on "his' sofa.

Sunny pleasant day . Took Fletch to AH for our usual walk around the grounds. Shock horror.. other people were there! Apparently they have opened for Sunday lunch .. in the Al Fresco area. ( roof but open sides)  The people we saw were strolling round before they were allowed in for their time. Luckily not too many people and we kept away from them. But oh dear we have got used to being there on our own.. with maybe occasionally another dog walker in the distance. 

Back home and M watered the plants and cleared the area under the holly tree which is being removed..  it has grown tall, the lowest branches are way above our heads   it's top heavy and all the branches seem to be just on one side and its crowding out the hawthorn and Rowan. 
But..... 35 years ago I brought the sapling from my mother's garden and planted it. A bit of home. Ah well time to let it go.

It was nice and warm so I sat in the garden and read  and did some knitting . A pleasant not too windy walk with Fletch at teatime up to the sea wall
Film on tv and avoided the news
Generally a nice relaxing day. 

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