Ths Time, You Gotta Take It Easy
I didn't wake up til quarter to eleven this morning.
My body was all out of sync after the Jack Daniels on Friday - not doing that again any time soon.
We got up - had breakfast and then I started.
I cut the grass back and front, I weeded the front; I weeded the drive, I cut the hedge at the front.
At the point at which I finished all the above - I decided to linseed oil Bernard and Ernesto. It's always very relaxing and then I took a little time to meditate with them.... see extra.
We then took a wee run up to the Allotment, just to have a wander round and see how things were. Everything was looking good, and we spotted a wee stoat running up and down the lanes.
and now... we are binge watching "the secrets that she keeps....." after we just decided to book a week away on the Norfolk Broads.
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