The highlight today was a trip to Waitrose in the late afternoon in pursuit of white chocolate ice cream, successful. As a bonus I also managed to get some expresso coffee for E, unaccountably it never seems to be available in the other supermarkets.
The blip is what happened just before that - a short fast walk around Rouken Glen, which was heaving, and the swan family stretched out on the pond pathway unperturbed by the obstruction they had unwittingly created. Happily there are still seven of them and they are at that stage when they look quite unattractive and very grey.
Another 19 cases today, 12 of which are in the Glasgow Health Board area but no deaths for the 4th consecutive day, across the country.
The FM looks tired and her hair is a bit lopsided. Perhaps she will be able to get it cut before her birthday on the 19th.
The extra blip is the water lilies in Rouken Glen. Three colours - white, yellow and pink, not many of them and looking a bit eccentric in the water flotsam. A good clean up is required, although of course would not be necessary if folk cared more. I think I will keep Rouken Glen for not so good weather days.
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