Post Lockdown Skies
I took Morrigan for some fresh air up on Selsley Common. This is looking towards the Arlingham Loop on the River Severn, Wales is in the distance.
You can see how the sky has returned to its pre-lockdown mess of contrail clouds... for a time the sky was as blue as could be, reminiscent of the 911 no fly period. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to share a tin tube with a hundred other folk... but it's easy to see how everything slips back into the old ways, despite all the opportunities. And I didn't cycle up here...
Back down to see Janet in a bit. If I'm wandering around the empty house wondering what I'm doing gods only know how she feels in a small ward with no view... Hopefully, with luck and a following wind she'll be home tomorrow.
Still, the house and garden in in inspectable condition. It's a tough life when you even get challenged by the nurses if I've done the housework yet.
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