Fresh eggs!

How happy a human being can be only to be able to sleep at home, in her own bed!

In the morning a drive to the market square of Tammelantori to by some fresh eggs with double yolk.

Rainy day +16c. Some washing and arranging of clothes, preparing meals etc. In the evening bathing in sauna of Veittijärvi -lake, as often. Lake water felt cooler than a week ago, some +19c, I guess.

Making some pre-ideas for holiday plans. Hubby would be eager to travel somewhere. Anywhere. Every place counts more than home, I guess. I am not sure, what to think about it. But if he likes to go alone with the motorbike, he is entitled to do so, of course. I have never denied him to go. Maybe I too can make my own trips then, if he decides to travel alone somewhere, even stay overnight somewhere. Would be nice idea to do so, actually!


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