Test Shot

10 minutes after I picked up the camera and myself from the ground, I thought it might be a good idea to test if the camera is still working.
It is.
And just like the camera I am still in a whole, only my left knee, right foot, right ankle, right hand and right elbow hurt. The thorn and the little stones are removed from my left hand. The knee needs cooling; but I still hope it's ok again tomorrow.
And how did it happen? I was sitting on a bench, got up and the first step was into a hole and - bang - I found myself lying flat on the ground. Luckily on dry grass with only tiny rocks and almost no thorns - the majority of the thornes were a meter away - lucky me.
First thought was to get up and keep going (getting up was the tricky part, lol). From a former experience I know it is not a good idea to sit down or wait too long before you move on. I walked down to the cemetary to get some cold water to get the dirt out of the little wounds on my hands. Home now, cold pack on knee and TV night ahead.

20:00; 22°C

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