
Daddy and I had great fun trying out a recipe for homemade playdough today. Unfortunately we used up nearly all of Mummy's baking supplies but not to worry ... there's loads to play with!

"A box of melted crayons.
A cup of Elmer's glue.
A pint of watercolor paint.
Some Silly Putty too.

A half a pound of Play-Doh.
About a pint of paste.
A tablespoon of flubber
to improve the final taste.

I looked through all the cupboards
for things I could include.
If it was marked "Non-Toxic"
I just figured that meant "food."

To guarantee it's healthy
I topped it with a beet.
Then smashed it all together
so it should be good to eat.

I'm hoping that you'll try it
and tell me what you think.
Just close your eyes and open wide
and nevermind the stink."

(Kenn Nesbitt - Recipe for Disaster)

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