Saturday’s painting...

I was watching stuff (streamed to my processor, so I am not making any noise), on my Android, hidden, secluded in my overgrown front garden, among the Buddliea, droneflies, bees, every other flying insect, and many many butterflies. I watched my parcels being delivered through letterbox, and one went round the side to put it in my safe place. I did not move or say a word because the last person I did that to nearly had a heart attack and was clutching my window ledge. I came in just gone noon, and cat asked where had I been. I told him we would both go in the back garden in a minute, and to just let me do my painting. He said NO, and his paw kept creeping round the iPad...

So I put it down, and put my head on the pillow, and promptly fell asleep. Woke up after about 3 hours sleep. A pile of message alerts on my phone, they can wait until tonight. Cat was asleep by my feet. I still have my conference to listen to, but at least my phone has been recharged! So, my idea of trying to do a butterfly on here did not materialise (maybe tomorrow), I ended up doing some bamboo instead just in black, apart from the seal which is in red. I gave myself 15 minutes. On ZenBrush2 app on iPad.

So here we are. I deliberated a few minutes where to place this red seal, this was the spot I chose.

The sun is out, coffee and cat, and back garden now. I cannot wait to open my parcels later to see my bargains, and if what I ordered meets my expectations....

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