Montbretia about to burst

Over the course of the day I have felt grottier and grottier. Somehow, somewhere and (presumably) from someone, I have caught a cold. I really don't know how this can be possible given (a) all my efforts at social distancing, and (b) that none of the few people that I have seen face-to-face recently have shown any signs of illness. I suppose there is an outside chance that this is hayfever, but a dose of antihistamine this morning doesn't seem to have helped.

I struggled through my work (three video conference meetings, grant proposal prep, email, and some forward planning). By the time that I joined family Skype at 7pm I was dressed in my jim-jams, ready for retirement to bed at 8pm immediately after supper.

I blipped the montbretia in my yarden this morning.

Exercise today: none.

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