South Downs Way Day 4:- Pyecombe to Botolphs 11.9k

A fairly short walk (7 1/2 miles in the book) in lovely weather on  easy terrain.  Much of the day was spent on a ridge at the top of downs looking down to Brighton and Hove with the bright blue sea beyond. An early issue when I left my walking stick at a gate and had to toil back up the steepest hill to find it.  I was overtaken by a cyclist who hearing my plight whizzed on and brought it back.  Who says chivalry is dead!?  This cafe is in a low valley where Saddlescombe Farm, owned by the National Trust have a pretty courtyard cafe.  We bought fruity ice lollies and lashings of ginger beer which we drank with our picnic overlooking the spectacular Devils Dyke.  All v idyllic. 

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