What Are You Looking At?

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro was out and about in Wellington today, so it was just me and the lads in the house. 

It was a pretty nice day actually. Don't get me wrong. When the sun sets it gets cold quick, but while it's up, it is positively summery. So I had both doors open and Punky and Jasper amused themselves puttering around and around all day, chasing each other, getting fat tails, freaking out birds and rolling on the grass.

I stayed inside and watched some horror movies for the next episode of the podcast. The next one is going to be about a fellow called David Cronenberg who made some of the yuckiest, splattiest, squishiest films of the 1970's and 80's. So I had fun downloading lots of SQUELCH, SPLAT sound effects. 

Well, it keeps me off the streets. 

In between I took some more pictures of the waxeyes and as you can see, this one looks a bit annoyed with me, disturbing him while he's trying to have a good old peck.

Finally, Caro came home and we had a fun evening watching Legendary and Celebrity Gogglebox. I say "fun". Celebrity Gogglebox was pretty traumatic. 

First of all was the bit where iguanas are being chased by snakes which had me and Caro leaping all over the couch. THEN they showed a long clip from "127 Hours" which is the film where James Franco cuts his own arm off with a pen-knife. 

So SOUND OFF and Caro with her face in a cushion. 

Just so you know, Princess, that's the last part of the show so you can just turn off at that point and walk away. 


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