It's not always about the quality of the image!

This apparent abstract waves shot is the closest I got to the 'Joppa/Portobello Swordfish' this evening. It had been seen close to the beach this afternoon and when I went out this evening I thought there was a chance it might be around. Near the foot of James Street there were people looking out from the beach, just past the groyne. Sure enough, the two fins - dorsal and tail - were visible as it made its way round the post at the end of the groyne. Unfortunately it then headed further out, into the choppy water. I watched it for a while but it stayed too far out for a decent picture so I watched it through my binoculars instead. A rare visitor to Scotland, it is presumably lost, maybe injured. I wonder how long it will stick around. This rubbish picture of an exciting wildlife encounter is exactly nine years to the day since I saw a couple of otters on the Water of Leith within similarly short walking distance from home to tonight's Swordfish sighting, albeit a different home.

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