One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


If the square inches of white teeth (for those with enough PRSI contributions) on display are anything to go by, a fine relaxing evening was had by all.
It's incredible how a few pints (Stout for the lads, lager for the girls) can lighten up the day (evening in this case).
It was a comfy little oasis, light years away from the doom and gloom, unemployment, fear of unemployment, insane work practices and glorified incompetence.

It's back to normal now. Will I still be in full-time employment at 5.00pm? Should I practice my kitchen-painting skills?

Thanks for the lovely evening and the laughs folks, it's a pity I let a bad case of man-flu get in the way of more unbridled Stout guzzling...

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