Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Scene From Above?

Thursday .... singing this morning  - our numbers are shrinking as people can get out and about more, but we still managed 10. After lunch, gardening. I did some deadheading and a little light weeding. I'm hoping the growth rate will be slowing, now midsummer is past - but there are still plenty to go at. The white daisies I've been admiring from a distance turn out to be feverfew, an overenthusiastic self-seeder. If I don't haul them out soon, they will be everywhere next year. 

Briefly down to town to recover my car which has had its slow puncture fixed. Then into the workroom for a bit of messing about with paint and glue. Not with anything in mind, other than finishing off a journal I began years ago.  While searching through the piles of saved scrap and bits of painted paper, a skeletonised leaf emerged and was auditioned on various backgrounds. This one made we think of an aerial photograph of a large city taken from a great height. Maybe that would fit the bill for the Abstract Thursday challenge - 'unexpected' ?

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AT every week.

TM has just announced that we're having a bonfire later - a breeze is blowing, apparently.

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