Say Cheeeeeeese

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I had a headache for most of today. It was Jasper's fault. He wanted to snuggle up overnight and this actually woke me up as I realised I was PINNED by his snuggling up so closely.

I don't like being PINNED. I need to change positions every few hours or I go flat on one side. 

No chap likes going flat. It is not a good look.

But because I love the kitten I could not bear to move him and while I lay there wondering what to do, I found myself going fully awake. So I've been awake since about 3.30am and my head started throbbing at around 11am. 

I tried having a nap and fell asleep at around 1.30pm. 

But at 2pm...


He wanted to tell me he'd seen another cat in the garden. For him, it was big news, but honestly, it could have waited.

So I've been a bit dazed this afternoon. I sat and looked at the birds outside and I noticed this unusual looking bird. I have never seen a Yellowhammer before, even though they are UK birds, introduced in the 19th century.

According to the internet, they have done quite well in New Zealand, settling around the "edge of the bush". 

Oh, behave yourselves. Honestly. I'll bet David Attenborough doesn't have to put up with such FILTH.

Anyway, as I am positioned on the edge of the bush myself, I'm hoping to see this little fellow again. I get quite excited by seeing birds in the garden and did my best to take a picture, but as it was through the window, this is as good as it got I'm afraid. The only other half-decent picture is today's extra.

According to the internet, the song of the Yellowhammer sounds like they are singing, "a little bit of bread and no cheeeeeeese". 

I didn't hear this bird asking for ANYTHING. But I'll be sure to listen out in future. 

And I think the headache is lifting now. A little bit of Yellowhammer and no caaaaaat appears to be the answer.


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