Babies, babies everywhere
So many baby birds out and about right now. Among my favorites are the Downy Woodpecker youngsters. They never act like hooligans, never make fools of themselves by flailing around and squawking (like some jays and finches I could mention); they just sit there and quietly peep. Very sweet. And the Red-bellied babies are even sweeter - just the tinest of peeps and ever so polite. See Extra.
We had the motorhome in for repairs (shocks and air bags) so went to pick it up this afternoon. Now I think we'll plan a short trip somewhere, just to have a change of scenery. In many ways it feels like this year is flying by; in other ways it seems like it will never end. If that makes any sense?
We finally had some rain this afternoon - desperately needed as we are dry as a bone. Not enough to make a lot of difference, but may help a little. While it rained, I entertained myself by looking at all the marvelous TinyTuesday entries. I have no idea how I am going to settle on my favorites but I will commit to announcing my picks tomorrow.
New Jersey is going to start requiring masks now when people are outdoors and unable to socially distance. I'm in favor of it, although to hear some of the wailing and moaning you'd think people were being asked to wear suits of armor and crowns of thorns. It's a mask, people. And it could save lives.
So...stay safe, be smart, kind and loving.
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